On May 22, 2024, I was interviewed by Dr. Shrradha Sidhwani of the RAY Foundation in India. The topic was "Dealing with Panic Attacks".
Earlier this year I completed a video class for psychotherapists who want to learn more about the treatment of panic and worry. The class is hosted by Asadis, a Canadian firm which produces continuing education materials for mental health professionals.
The class is available here: https://asadis.net/en/course/deconstructing-panic-and-worry/
Ready to overcome the fear of flying and regain your freedom to travel? Here's an effective way to do it.
This week I had the pleasure of being interviewed on the podcast, “Everything You Want to Know About Therapy *but were too afraid to ask “, hosted by Chicago psychologists Jennifer Trivelli and Jessica Strang. We had a lively conversation about fears, phobias, and anxiety disorders, and also some personal observations about how I became a psychologist. Give it a listen!
Here's my webinar, hosted by the Anxiety and Depression Association of America.
Here's a good story, including interview with me, about panic attacks.
I started a blog on Psychology Today. I plan to publish monthly. Please come check out the first one.
The Worry Trick has been honored by the folks at Choosingtherapy.com, with inclusion in their list of 14 best books for social anxiety. Check out the full list, it's distinguished company!
On August 12, 2020, I sat for a conversation with Drew Linsalata, host of The Anxious Truth podcast. You can hear it here.
Continue reading "Self Help for Generalized Anxiety Disorder"
On Friday, Sept. 4, I sat down for a conversation with Dr. Margo Jacquot. Our topic: How to Outsmart Your Anxious Brain and Break the Anxiety Cycle. Here's the recording.
Continue reading "My breakfast with Margo - a conversation about coping!"
On January 23, 2020, I sat for an interview with Neal Sideman, of the Anxiety and Depression Association of America. We discussed my new book, Outsmart Your Anxious Brain, and covered a variety of techniques to help people overcome panic, anxiety, worry, and phobias. Here it is.
Here's an article of mine that recently appeared in a British psychotherapy blog.
Continue reading "The Anxiety Trick and the Path to Recovery"
© 2010-2024 David
Carbonell, PhD. Anxiety Coach® is a registered mark.
P.O. Box 256539, Chicago, IL 60625
Last updated on September 4, 2024