My new anxiety book:
Outsmart Your Anxious Brain

by Dave Carbonell, PhD

Hearing from readers about my earlier anxiety books led me to realize that there was still a need for something even more direct, a more boiled down prescription of precisely what to do about chronic worry, panic, and anxiety.

That's why I wrote Outsmart Your Anxious Brain. It's an action plan. It describes in detail ten concrete ways to handle anxiety. Use them to live the life you wanted, and maybe already had, before anxiety started heckling and intimidating you. I hope you find it helpful!

Here is an excerpt from the foreword to the book by Dr. Martin Seif, one of the founders of the Anxiety Disorders Association of America.

Foreword from Dr. Seif

Did you know that worry plays tricks, and that’s why it’s so hard to get rid of it? In this wonderful new book, Dr. Dave Carbonell explains the worry trick to you in simple, clear, concise language that will stick in your head and come to your mind when you need it. And then he explains how to beat that trick: the principles that will guide your recovery and the specific actions that will make it come about.

Anxiety treatment has undergone a dramatic transformation since sufferers were told to change their thoughts, learn relaxation, practice thought stopping, or reduce their stress. These aren’t bad ideas—but they just don’t stop worry—and you probably have already discovered that. In Outsmart Your Anxious Brain: Ten Simple Ways to Beat the Worry Trick, Dave will teach you ways that are both proven and effective.

Dave has been at the forefront of the most innovative and effective forms of anxiety treatment, and his position as a leader is solidified with this newest book. His observations are astute. One intriguing example: he asks you not to call it a panic attack. That’s because it doesn’t attack you. Would you fall in love and say that you are having a “love attack”? Dave suggests you see panic as an experience because calling it an attack makes you want to fight back. But fighting against anxiety makes it stronger. That’s one of its tricks. Dave will explain it to you and show you how to beat that trick.

Outsmart Your Anxious Brain: Ten Simple Ways to Beat the Worry Trick is Dr. Carbonell at his best: succinct, humorous, perceptive, creative, and supportive. I am flattered and honored to introduce this anxiety book to you, with the assurance that you will finish reading it with a new perspective and a grasp of tools for overcoming toxic worries and the torments they produce.

Martin N. Seif, PhD,  coauthor of What Every Therapist Needs to Know About Anxiety Disorders, Overcoming Unwanted Intrusive Thoughts, and Needing to Know for Sure.

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Or, save $15 and buy all four of my books - Panic Attacks Workbook, The Worry Trick, Fear of Flying Workbook, and Outsmart Your Anxious Brain. Click here to buy the full set.

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© 2010-2024 David Carbonell, PhD.  Anxiety Coach® is a registered mark.
P.O. Box 256539, Chicago, IL 60625

Last updated on September 4, 2024